Spiritual & Healing Properties of Jade


When it comes to healing, Jade is one of the most popular stones among all the healing crystals. Not only does it display unique properties for physical well-being, but also aids those on the spiritual path. This stone not only offers good health, but also bestows luck and wealth. It also does much to strengthen the loving bonds.


What is Jade?

Jade is a product of volcanic action and combines two different minerals – jadeite and nephrite. The color of this ornamental stone ranges from greenish-black to creamy white, depending upon the ratio of the two minerals.

This gemstone has been prized since antiquity and continues to be used in fabricating jewelry, sculptures, vases and other objects. In China and Korea, this stone was in use since 5000 BC. This hard stone was also used in the manufacture of tools, such as axe heads, and weapons, like arrowheads and spearheads.

Since this stone lends itself to polish that reveals its brilliant luster, it began to be used as a gemstone. It started to become a part of jewelry and ornaments of different kinds, such as necklaces, earrings, talismans, etc.

Although Jade is primarily a green-colored stone, it is also found in different colors, such as red, lavender, blue, white, gray, black and orange.

Spiritual properties of Jade

Jade is considered an excellent balancing stone and displays some amazing spiritual properties.

Let’s see what they are:

. Called a ‘stone from heaven’, it makes the user more spiritual.

. Most beneficial in meditation, since it helps center wavering concentration.

. Provides clarity of thought.

. Restores confidence, courage and trust.

. Harmonizes and balances the chakras, especially the heart chakra.

. Brings luck and prosperity to whoever uses it.

. Helps in realizing one’s full potential and leads to chosen goals.

. An emotional healer, it releases suppressed emotions and helps reveal them for resolution.


. Enhances dreams and makes recalling them easier, if kept under the pillow while sleeping.

. Attracts abundance when kept mixed with coins.

. Green Jade strengthens the ‘Chi’ or ‘life force’ that expels negativity.

. Instills romantic feelings. In China, butterfly made of Jade is used for attracting love.

. Protects against accidents and misfortune.

Healing properties of Jade

Jade displays some remarkable healing properties.

Let’s see what they are:

. Soothes frayed nerves and helps calm the nervous system.

. Provides healing energy to kidneys, bladder, gallbladder and liver.

. Heals plants more profoundly by tapping into their vibrations.

. Helps in the regeneration of cells.

. Cures anxiety and depression in those prone to it.


Buying Jade jewelry

Jade jewelry and other articles are commonly available, but the quality of Jade counts. If you want the top-quality Jade products, visit Ayana Wellness, a one-stop-shop for all kinds of crystals.

It offers Jade in two forms – yoni eggs and facial roller. Jade yoni egg is for more intimate use, while Jade facial roller is ideal for face massage. You can order both online from ayanaproducts.com.


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