Rose Quartz Silver-Plated Adjustable Ring - Ayana CrystalsRose Quartz Silver-Plated Adjustable Ring - Ayana Crystals

Rose Quartz Silver-Plated Adjustable Ring

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Rose Quartz Brass Earrings

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Chrysocolla Healing Crystal Pendant

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Malachite Crystal Pendant

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Emerald Tumbled Crystal Necklace

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Emerald Crystal Earrings

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Amazonite Tumbled Pendant

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Rose Quartz Wire Wrapped Pendant

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Rose Quartz Tree of Life Pendant - Ayana CrystalsRose Quartz Tree of Life Pendant - Ayana Crystals
Sold out

Rose Quartz Tree of Life Pendant

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Tree Agate Pendant

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Moss Agate Pendant

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Lepidolite Wire Wrapped Pendant

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Charoite Tumbled Pendant

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Garnet Tumbled Pendant

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Piezo Orgonite Pendant 7 Crystals

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Heart Chakra Jewelry: Balance, Love, and Tranquility

Journey through AYANA's exquisite collection of heart chakra jewelry. Each piece, crafted with precision, seeks to align and amplify your heart chakra's energies. Dive into a selection that transcends mere aesthetics, instead becoming a beacon of love, balance, and harmony.

Heartfelt Harmony: AYANA's Heart Chakra Pendant

Discover the delicate rose quartz ring, paired with rose quartz earrings, embodying gentle compassion. Our rose quartz pendants celebrate unconditional love, while the Malachite Crystal Pendant beckons deeper heart energies. Connect with nature through the Moss Agate Pendant, find serenity with the Prehnite Healing Pendant, and clarity with the Aquamarine Pendant.

AYANA's collection is a journey of heart alignment, offering more than adornment. With transparent ordering, timely deliveries, and expert consultations, explore seamlessly. Subscribe for insights, offers, and deeper heart chakra connections. Let AYANA guide your heart's journey, one pendant at a time.